Toolbox Review- Husky Heavy Duty Mobile Workbench Tool Chest with Adjustable-Height Top
An In Depth review of the Husky Heavy Duty 9-Drawer Mobile Workbench Tool Chest with Adjustable-Height Hardwood Top exclusive to Home depot.
0:00 Intro
2:10 Canadian Buyers Price Hack
5:40 Box Features
15:00 Quick Toolbox Tour
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Home Depot US
Home Depot Canada
This is the box I was looking at. Great review!
THANK YOU! Had only heard “US General is the way to go” and I almost bought one. Just came across this and at this price and quality it’s a no brainer as a DIY’er/Home Projects guy
We get so screwed in Canada. I just want a 46in or 52in husky and they’ve gone up about $200 over the past year and a half. We also get screwed how there is no power bar
Great review, thank you. It’s nice to hear from more of a prosumer/professional use aspect. How far do the drawers pull out with respect to the front (ie how much of back of drawer is inaccessible when open?)
I wish those smaller drawers were higher, doesn’t look like it’ll fit a plier standing up
Im looking for a new tool box, i want this type of style where i can use the top, ill have to go to home depot and see if this box is on display
How much weight can the top lift.. I’d to have my 3 small welders on it
Thank you, I wanted to see that the top drawer has double slides
I had an eye on this box for few years now, the price was $999 Canadian during 2021-2022 but of course it was Covid and everything sold out and supply chain was a mess… when it finally restocked 6 months ago, I got a notification and quickly check the item is now then $1500+ Canadian just to justify..
Thanks for the review, I’m probably going to get it from the US this time and most likely getting that blue color-way option that looks cool.
Just what I am looking for but unfortunately it looks like they aren’t selling this box anymore, only in the standard duty. I like the deeper top full drawer and the height of the middle drawers.
Yo, i’m seeing this on HD at the moment for $719. Is this correct? The milwaukee 61-inch work bench i really wanted went from $848 to $1,498 U.S. California today. On sale today for $1,198 this is Crazy!
How deep are the shallow drawers?
Great review…helped me very much, Thank you!
When you lock the box does every door lock? Only the doors on the left side of my box lock. I’m not sure if it’s defective
Great review, just bought one today at a scratch and dent 900 can
What kind of key does it use?
I’ve seen people raise and lower this using a drill. Wonder if you’ve tried that? This box is on my list to purchase
I am deciding between this box and the harbor freight us general 56. Are you still happy with your purchase and how do you think they compare?
Thank you for this review. I was trying to find a review of this box.
Is there any way you can think of to put one end to the other? Making it 104. The handles would have to come off. Then it looks like the electrical panel is blocked. It doesn’t seem to be movable. I was just thinking about making one long workbench. I have one already ( lime green) very nice box. But I could use another.
How deep is that top drawer which has your sockets in?
I have one, and the dang top won’t open back up. Trying to find a way to get into it with out breaking it all to hell
When you lock it do all the drawers lock?
How sturdy is that top, especially raised up? Would you mount a vice to it? Does it rattle if you shake it?