1. Ну и? Перекрашенный бош за х5 по цене. Сухое дерево и лобзиком ручным можно, ты проверь на мокром и с гвоздями плюс сверху цемент засохший;)

  2. I’m so glad festool came out with yet another tool with minimal dust collection that cost a fortune. 1 more festool tool I’ll never buy!!!

  3. They make some really cool tools. This ain’t one of them. I can’t think of a single instance where I would want to use a saw all and needed dust collection on it. Let alone a $600 sawzall.

  4. does exactly what any other reciprocating saw does but at 10x the price……I bet all the Festool fanboys have got their pants down already !

  5. Have been a Festool fan for a number of tools. But this seems like a bit of overkill (for the price). Maybe I’m a bit naive, but a recprocating saw is a reciprocating saw in my opinion. Unless this has some super precision or a tremendous amount of power I don’t think it would be worth the extra cost. The saw is extremely heavy which would be advantageous cutting on a sawhorse, but cutting overhead would be pretty tiresome. Best of luck to everyone. Would like actual feedback from users.

  6. people still using reciprocating saws? And for god shakes it is just a tool. It is not tritium to cost so much. So many brands out there considering their customers as idiots and suckers.

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