New GearWrench MEGAMOD Master Tool Sets & Storage — Up to 1,268 Pieces!?

New GearWrench MEGAMOD Master Tool Sets & Storage — Up to 1,268 Pieces!?

Looking to build the perfect tool setup with custom cut trays for each of your tools to fit perfectly snug into each part of your storage system? GEARWRENCH has just announced the solution for you! Well, if you really need the FULL setup that is. They will soon be releasing 5 new MEGAMOD Tool Assortments that not only provide every hand tool you could need, but they all come pre-assembled in EVA Modular Foam Trays that fit perfectly into the included storage system that comes with each set. The new sets range in size from 613 to 1,268 pieces of bit sets, wrenches, hex keys, drive tool sets, sockets, ratcheting wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, and more to get you quickly and easily set up with a full hand tool and storage system for just a fraction of the price of what you will find with similar models. These are not necessarily for just any Dad’s garage, but could change the game for new shops and mechanics. Let us know your thoughts on the MEGAMODS in the comments below!


Special Thanks:

#gearwrench #ohiopowertool


  1. Seems like a game changer to me. I’m not an auto mechanic, but I can appreciate the organization and completeness of the given sets.
    I personally love the foam trays that are not only cut to fit, but also labeled for ease of identification, quick retrieval and return. Expensive, buuuut, when has that ever stopped tool fanatics in the never ending game of tool one-upsmanship. Other brands are sure to follow suit. “Let the Tool Wars escalation, commence!”

  2. Number one issue with these sets. Massive waist of space. I mean look at the ratchet attachments one alone. Could fit minimum 2x stuff in there. Could sell a base set with empty slots efficiently filling the spaces. Then you have people see a empty spot in there and have to fill it. Keep the price low like they are now same set but place a void in the heart that needs to be filled. And not need a hole now drawer. Standing the sockets up would also be appreciated and fit far more in available space. Sell fillers sets on the base sets. Stop waisted the space in these boxes

  3. It’s cool and all very nice. But where’s all the fun in buying all the tools, then organizing them yourself. Guess I’m old school🤷

  4. These are some nice looking sets and Gearwrench has held up well for me. I just don’t see someone being in the position to drop 10-15k that doesn’t already have the majority of what’s in the set. Maybe a new shop owner that doesn’t want techs borrowing from his personal tools or someone who just retired and wants to get into cars but they seem like niche items

  5. No room for expansion for tools that are not included in any of these sets, they have used up all the room selling you a lot of filler tools that you will never use so they can say look at the number of tools we included. These types of tools sets have always been a bad deal, Craftsman used to do this at sears without the foam and tool box but they always include a boat load of tools that are useless that were only included to up the number of tools they can claim are in the set.

  6. I feel all the foam is working against it. I didn’t once hear about oil filter sockets, filter straps, Def line disconnects, ect. Basically everything you need as a run of the mill floor tech nowadays. You now have to work around the foam to try to find storage for all the tools you need on a daily basis

  7. Tool box makers at some point may realize that not all with tools need such large and elaborate storage. We all don’t work in dealerships, or repair garages. Some of us don’t even have garages. But, we do need something modular to keep our tools. I need a small’ish unit where I can just take the section that contains my sockets, or just contains my power tools. I’m putting together something now like this but I have to use tool bags on the large sized due to the larger ratchet wrenches. Something simple and portable.

  8. Even if this was put together by someone who has wrenched this set is just general set what people dont get is every year we as techs have to buy newtools every year cause they change em (cars)every year mostly.that being said they way this is set up aesthetically looks good but…. you are losing a crapton of valuable toolbox space remember guys the tools fix the car not the box

  9. I like the setups but do you guys know if they have any plans to have industry based set up for instance, like aviation, where metric is not used it’s all SAE.

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