Adam Savage's Favorite Tools: Precision Rotary Tool!

Adam Savage's Favorite Tools: Precision Rotary Tool!

Proxxon Rotary Tool with US plug:
Proxxon Rotary Tool with AC Adapter:

There are many rotary tools in the world, but Adam’s latest favorite is one he learned about while visiting Weta Workshop. The Proxxon precision rotary tool is lightweight, powerful, and has fine speed control for modelmaking work. Adam also likes the keyless chuck that can hold the smallest of bits. You can expect to see this appearing in future One Day Builds!

Shot by Adam Savage

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Tested is:
Adam Savage
Norman Chan
Simone Giertz
Joey Fameli
Gunther Kirsch
Ryan Kiser
Jen Schachter
Kishore Hari
Sean Charlesworth
Jeremy Williams
Kayte Sabicer
Bill Doran
Ariel Waldman
Darrell Maloney
Kristen Lomasney

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman
Set design by Danica Johnson
Set build by Asa Hillis

Thanks for watching!

#AdamSavage #FavoriteTools


  1. Mr Savage. I implore you to do a quick note about Colette shank sizes for your average more inexpensive rotary tool. I have looked high and I have looked low and cannot find anything that addresses the shank size. I am asking this because I have several different size gillettes and some do not fit in my rotary tool. the ones that don’t fit are from a previous other brands that I had. now I’m in the position where I must order some more colettes but I don’t know if they’re going to fit the present rotary tool that I have and the present rotary tool that I have does not address the shank size so I measured it but they don’t give you the shank size and the ones that you order so how do you know they’re going to fit? you don’t. my shank sizes approximately 1/4 of an inch across but I have ones that are a little fatter that will not fit that came from a battery operated Chicago pneumatic tool that was a piece of junk. because I cannot afford a more expensive unit I like the electric ones because they have more power than the battery operated ones that I can afford. please address this or get somebody to because I’m in the position of having to order some now and I don’t know what to do because I just know with my luck I’ll get ones that do not fit thank you

  2. Proxxon is a very well known (And high quality) brand in the EU. As far as I know, mostly among all kinds of model makers.
    I own this rotary tool, their middleground DS460 scroll saw and their small FET tablesaw. And let me tell you, I was almost laughing my ass off when I first saw their tiny tablesaw, and thought it surely couldn’t be used for anything other than papercraft. Being in a smaller shop, and making lots and lots of mdf boxes as part of my work, I’ve ended up preferring their small tablesaw over my bigger DeWalt saw 😛

  3. This video came out on my birthday! I think you actually wished me a happy birthday on a Q&A stream you did this same day but it feels like a lifetime ago now. I use rotary tools daily, I have one older dremel I picked up from a flea market thats got three speeds: High, Low, and Off, which lives in my leatherwork toolbox and is all I need for things like sanding or burnishing seams and drilling the odd hole in a piece of antler or through particularly thick joints. I have a radio shack branded one from an old roommate with five settings plus intermediate settings between those that I keep as my backup tool and my dremel 4000 which gets constant use. ive taken it apart to blow out dust and replace bearings and brushes several times and its been going strong the better part of a decade. But over quarantine ive discovered a love and talent for carving and engraving bone, and a dremel is just too heavy and bulky for that sort of work, and the flexible attachment while handy isnt the kind of long term solution I need as speed cant be controlled at the handpiece side in that configuration. Im considering springing for one of these as it looks like the ideal form factor for what I need with the quality of life concessions the dremel has been lacking. I love seeing the tools youd never come across on your own but suddenly someone pulls out the exact thing you need and suddenly your life changes dramatically, even if it is a video thats been out for a while, i decided to rewatch it to see this tool in action.

  4. There are 2 proxxon professional the ibe and the ibse at home depot the ibe is advertised and if purchased (on line only ) you will receive the ibse it happened to me and I didn’t realize it until a year later and there is a major difference, the color , the vents, the ibe has very nice big cooling vents and the ibes has only a couple of little slips, also the grip is very different, the motor is the same on both. The ibe is the one to get for serious proxxon Collectors because it is extremely hard to find.

  5. Bought this and after some very light usage, the RPM dial rotates freely and RPM no longer changes. Fortunately it was not too late for Amazon Returns. Perhaps a dud? Be advised though!

  6. No way. I was looking at Rotary tools, stumbled upon one I’d never heard before, tried finding reviews, AND ADAM FRIGGEN SAVAGE USES THEM. That’s all the review I need for me to consider them

  7. Dremel used to make a rotary tool named the Dremel Stylus. Completely different shape than any other cordless, rechargeable tool. It looked like a Star Trek Phasor. Best balanced and sized rotary tool EVER. They stopped making it years ago. The battery in mine is not holding a charge for very long. There are a couple of videos on how to replace the battery but that is beyond my technical ability. It was the most popular, best ergonomically shaped rotary tool in the world. Dremel did us a big disservice by not offering a replacement battery unit and by discontinuing it. Boo!!!

  8. I bought a proxxon kit thing with a dremal and saw and stuff like that it’s around 50 or so years old and still works brilliantly

  9. Adam, if you want higher precision (better concentricity) try out their steel collets set – part no NO 28 940. it fits with your tool once you take out the adjustable chuck.
    the collets’ lack of convenience is a small price to pay for better control. I have both systems and if you use the chuck with very fine drills, it’s very small misalignment becomes apparent.

  10. My Proxxon is direct to wall socket. Otherwise about the same. Mine says 8,000-18,000 revs per minute. It has a wire hook on the end. I hang it on my wall at the right-hand side of my work bench.

  11. Proxxon has been making rotatry tools for decades, it’s their key product. I own one, they’re actually inexpensive in gemani where they’re made (they’re made in Luxembourg actually but HQ is in gemani)

  12. I picked up this same bit of kit – works wonderfully. I can manipulate it with much more precision of movement than my Dremel. Excellent recommendation.

  13. I put a chuck on every Dremel tool I use as soon as I buy it. The collets are pretty much useless to me on just about any rotary tool.

  14. It doesn’t have the collar thing like a Dremel. The collar fitting that makes a Dremel like a mini router has been soooo handy to have. I want something better since my mine died but Wen and this don’t have it.

  15. Years ago a good friend introduced me to a rotary tool that is amazing. It runs at 350,000 rpm which is about twice the speed of a dental drill and uses carbide or diamond bits. The speed is so high there is no vibration and you can carve and engrave just about anything. He’s carved egg shells, glass, wood and steel. They’re not cheap but I am always amazed by the work he turns out. Search or

  16. I caught the Proxxon bug years ago. Great stuff. Kind of like the Festool of small tools. Maybe not the same level of quality/expense as Festool, but definitely the higher end of tools for working on small parts. It’s a joy to use them. Upvote for Proxxon. Great stuff.

    Moreover, sometimes it’s safer to use a mini table saw or mini chop saw rather than their big brothers. I have the Proxxon chop saw, it’s very nice. I also opted for the Byrnes table saw over the Proxxon table saw. The Byrnes is very high precision and US made. The Proxxon version is very good too. You can’t go wrong either way.

  17. I have had this for over 15 years but it is a different name and came with collets with different drill sizes which I is actually better than relying on the chuck and even the power pack is the same

  18. Isn’t the lowest rotation 5000 still too high when working with plastic? Won’t plastic melt? I’m looking for something similar to this tool but with lower rotation.

  19. Adam, Dremel often have a lot of runout due to their design — two bearings in a plastic housing separated over about 1cm. How does the Proxxon compare? I have a Foredom, and while its great for lots of things, the fact that it doesn’t go as fast as a Dremel is disappointing. My Dremel is great for most raw work but its not precise enough for cutting slots without being oversized even when in a jig.

  20. Ryobi makes two, the more expensive one is amazing. Lightweight handle, battery powered, powerful, and great precision in dialing speed

  21. Looking for something that is smaller (Pen-like) for ease and hand comfort
    Does anyone know of one that has decent power/speed
    In Canada?

  22. Перевод с русского на английский выполнен по технологии PROMT

    Hello Adam Savage! Proxxon is a good tool. 60/E I don’t, but I have BFB 2000!
    I really liked MythBusters. Learned a lot about the tool and mechanisms. Thank you.
    Be healthy!

  23. I just got a micro jigsaw with the same power system. Compared to the quality it is actually cheap. Now that I have the transformer, next time I only pay for the tool. Engraver, hot wire cutter, rotary tool, little sander, they all run on the same power source. I also got the proxxon micro milling machine to use the same bits. I’m a believer in tools from Germany.

  24. Hmm I don’t think 90 ish bucks is that expensive for a quality dremel like tool, if its good. When you said pricey I was thinking it was gonna be like 300 bucks or something. I need a new dremel, I might look into one of these. I love the idea of having an actual chuck. I would actually pay more just for that feature.

  25. When you get a tool for Christmas, check it out on YouTube, and Adam Savage made a video about it. It’s the best feeling.

  26. Hrrm, interesting. I have a Dremel and while I do love it and use it, I see that the Proxxon Rotary tool has a lot of cool mods, like an engraving kit!

  27. ?I appreciate all the people who put out videos, so thanks. One thing I do not get with this, is comparing this light/ sensitive tool to a dremel? Because all you need to do to a dremel to make it light/ sensitive, is to use the flex shaft, & hang your Dremel from the work station option. Am I missing something with this viewpoint? Bless yall.

  28. This makes no sense to me. It has all the downsides of a cordless one, while still being corded. All of that equipment might as well be a more powerful dremel with a more agile flexible shaft.

  29. Got an amazon card for Christmas… I literally never use amazon, so I bought one of these. I’ve spent plenty of time using my parents Dremel from the 90s to know I don’t want to anymore… needless to say, I’m stoked!

  30. Lightweight precision rotaries are EVERYTHING. For small, detailed work that doesn’t require a lot of horsepower, I use the Dremel Stylo. Still has plenty of zip but it’s small, lightweight and easy to manipulate. It’s made life *so much easier* for certain things

  31. there are colet sets for proxxon too, huge difference from dremel is that all important parts on proxxon are metal and not plastic so it runs much truer than dremel. Super useful proxxon tools IMHO are
    MF 70 (easily converted to CNC, there’s cnc version from proxxon too but tad expensive)
    TBM220 or TBH

    Important thing to note about "12V" proxxon tools is that they are not using 12V DC nor 12V AC!! They are using rectified AC (so no capacitors on the output, just both waves moved to same side) and that "impulse 12V" is required for their speed control to work. If you connect it to 12VDC the speed control does not work and you get less torque and speed out of them.

  32. I’m new to Dremels, but this thing has been great. The variable speed is awesome and the cordless aspect makes it so easy to work with. I am constantly finding uses for it that make tasks easier. Recently I put in a new deadbolt on one of our doors. I knew I had to enlarge the hold where the deadbolt goes into the door frame. At first I thought I would have to get a big router and figure out how to use it for that, but then I rermembered we have the dremel. I was able to enlarge the hole almost as easy as if I was drawing with a pen. It’s also great for grinding our dog’s nails done and so many other household tasks.

  33. Thanks Adam for alerting me to this. It looks great. I was considering replacing my cheap Clarke rotary tool (UK brand) with a Dremel, but I think I prefer this Proxxon tool.

  34. Can you please do reviews of the tools from this company that you buy. I know it’s not your normal thing but with your trades and things you do I’m sure a lot of people would value your opinion on the tools or just tools in general.

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