20+ Simple French Cleat Ideas for Your Tool Storage

20+ Simple French Cleat Ideas for Your Tool Storage

The French Cleat System is a great way to store many of your tools and hardware. It can even be better than having a large tool box because of the ease of access. So here are 20+ simple ideas that can inspire you to build something Awesome.
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Cordless Drill Charging Station and Storage Rack

Screws/Nails Hardware Organizer


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French Cleat Tool Storage

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Heavy Duty Mobile Shelving / DIY How-To


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#diy #tool #frenchcleatsystem

Isaiah 44:13


  1. Hey there,

    I watched a kid video of making a simple pulley and I wanted to ask you. Do you have any videos on doing some sort of pulley up a flight of stairs? I have this issue at my business that requires the movement of boxes of a floor of stairs and I’m really over walking them up.

  2. I’m just now getting into French cleats and they are already changing my life for the better. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and all the others on this platform, who are making this world a better place. Thank you! ☺️

  3. Man, I don’t normal comment much, but almost all of these ideas are super original and useful. Thanks a lot for sharing these. I have a whole cleat wall to plan and these were really helpful.

  4. Very nice. Newly framed out a small basement shop, trying to figure out which wall storage system to mount, pegboard of cleats. Love the idea of combining the two. Thinking of getting the Wall Control for a colorful industrial look and mounting them to cleats. Brilliant.

    Question: For the spots where your cleats are on backing plywood, what is the thickness of that plywood? Deciding between 5/8 and 3/4. The former seems sufficient, but I want to be able to screw some lighter things directly into plywood and not always need structure, so maybe 3/4 is necessary for the fastener to clamp sufficiently. Recommendation?

  5. thank you for this wonderful and highly instructive video, those are some great ideas, i hope to implement one day….. thank you for making these videos

  6. Some of these look so simple until you try to do it yourself. I tried your paper towel holder. You say just drill a hole and add a dowel rod. Does the hole go all the way through? How do you make the dowel rod stick in it (and straight up, besides)? Glue? Screws? I’m using an inch and a quarter dowel and drill an inch and a quarter hole… the hole is too small. Now what?

  7. New subscriber here. I have been trying to organize my shop and have put up OSB walls in my metal garage. I am now considering tool storage and am wanting to use a French cleat system. I like a lot of your ideas. I originally thought of a pack out system but those can get expensive. Thanks again for giving this retired guy some ideas. All the best from north Texas.

  8. For the measuring tape I did the same thing but used corrugated picture hangers for the tapes to clip onto and it works great. I have been trying to figure something out for my circular saw and I really like your plans

  9. Great video. Quick and to the point. Lots of different simple builds for numerous different tools, I love it. I’m saving this video to reference from for my tool storage.

  10. Attaching bit boxes to cleats is best idea EVER! Saved me a lot of time and the sets are still portable. Just grab and go.

  11. I have yet to see a French Cleat video instruction that deals. with tools that are corded. How many people have circular saws that are battery powered?

  12. Nice video. I like how you used pallet wood on most of it and I love the incorporation of the pvc. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Есть такая поговорка, не можешь сделать сам, повторяй за мастером. Буду повторять =), спасибо!

  14. Hey this is amazing work and thanks for sharing your experience with us keep it up ya got this mighty fine Sir from Canada 🇨🇦 SK later

  15. Great video! What is the best thickness for the cleats? 1/2 or 3/4? And how about the wall to cover studs, should it be at least 1/2 or thinner will work? Planning to make these.

  16. Hey there. It’s not the first video I’ve watched on your channel, and I have to say I really enjoyed watching them. Thanks. Keep it up 🙏

  17. ബുദ്ധിവികാസമില്ലാത്തതും നോര്‍മലല്ലാത്തതുമായ കിഴങ്ങന്‍മാര്‍ കൊള്ളയും കൊലയും ഗുണ്ടാപ്രവര്‍ത്തനവും പാര്‍ട്ടികള്‍ക്കുവേണ്ടി ചെയ്തതിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍ മന്ത്രിക്കസേരകളില്‍ കയറിപറ്റും …നാടുനശിപ്പിക്കാന്‍…

  18. What are the Batman logo tools on the top centre of the leg board? I don’t know what they are, but I know I want them 🙂

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